GROUPBY Function in Excel The GROUPBY function in Excel creates a summary of data via a formula. The GROUPBY function in Excel is a part of lookup and reference formulas. The GROUPBY function organizes data by grouping rows based on given fields, applying aggregations... CODE Function in Excel The CODE function in Excel returns a numeric code for the first character in a given text string. The CODE function in Excel is a part of text formulas. The numeric code corresponds to the character encoding standard used by Microsoft Excel. It... CLEAN Function in Excel The CLEAN function in Excel removes all nonprintable characters from text. The CLEAN function in Excel is a part of text formulas. When we import the data from different sources such as XML database or web, it may contain different nonprintable... Excel TEXTSPLIT Function The Excel TEXTSPLIT function splits text strings by using column and row delimiters. The Excel TEXTSPLIT function is a part of text formulas. The TEXTSPLIT function is a dynamic and powerful tool for handling text data, introduced in Excel 365... How to SUM by Cell Colour in Excel without VBA This guide will show you how to SUM by cell colour in Excel without VBA. Once you have learned to SUM based on coloured cells in Excel, you can also use COUNT, IF, IFS, SUMIF, SUMIFS, COUNIFS, SUBTOTAL, AGGREGATE, AVERAGE... How to Translate Text in Excel This guide will show you how to translate text in Excel. The translate feature in Excel helps you to change content from one language to another right in your spreadsheet. This feature is handy globally where your data needs to be...