Excel Charts

Excel Charts are visual presentation of data to enhance the presentation and easy to understand. You can create different types of Excel Charts such as line chart, column chart, bar chart, pie chart, surface chart etc.

How to Make Excel Charts?

To create an Excel Chart, follow the below steps:

  • Step 1: Select the Data (or keep the cursur anywhere in the table) from which you want to create a chart in Excel.
Insert Excel Charts
  • Step 2: Go to Insert tab and click on Recommended Charts. Select a chart type on the Recommended Charts tab or All Charts tab to preview the chart in Excel.
How to Make Excel Charts

Or click the specific chat from the Charts group (for example, column or bar chart as shown below) to insert in Excel.

How to Make Chart in Excel
  • Step 3: Click OK to insert the chart in Excel.
Create Excel Charts

How to Move Excel Chart to a New Worksheet?

You can easily move the Excel chart by drag and drop or cut, copy and paste method within the worksheet and to a different worksheet. But there is a better way to move the chart to a new worksheet in Excel by following the below steps:

  • Step 1: Click anywhere in the Chart. Go to Chart Design Tab and click on Move Chart under the Location group.
Excel Charts Move to New Worksheet
  • Step 2: Click New sheet and give the Sheet Name (e.g Chart1) to move the Chart to a new worksheet.
How to Move Chart to a New Sheet in Excel
  • If you want to move the Excel Chart to an existing another worksheet then, click on Object in and select the Sheet Name from the dropdown list (e.g Sheet2).
How to Move Excel Chart to a New Worksheet

How to Change Styles in Excel Charts?

To change the Excel Chart Styles, follow the below steps:

  • Step 1: Click anywhere in the chart.
  • Step 2: Go to Chart Design and select the styles under the Chart Styles group.
How to Change Styles in Excel Charts

Or, go to upper right corner of the Chart and click on Chart Style as shown below:

How to Change Excel Chart Styles

How to Change Colors in Excel Charts?

To change the Excel Chart Colors, follow the below steps:

  • Step 1: Click anywhere in the chart.
  • Step 2: Go to Chart Design and select the Colorful Palette or the Monochromatic Palette under the Change Colors.
How to Change Colors in Excel Charts

Or, go to upper right corner of the Chart and click on Chart Color as shown below:

How to Change Chart Colors in Excel

Or, go to Page Layout tab and select the Colors under the Themes group.

How to Change Excel Chart Colors

What are the Different Types of Excel Charts?

The different types of Charts in Excel are:

Excel Chart Types
Sub Types
Column Chart
Clustered column, Stacked column, 100% stacked column, and 3-D column.
Line Chart
Line with markers, stacked line, 100% stacked line, and 3-D line.
Pie Chart
3-D pie, pie of pie and bar pie.
Doughnuts Chart
Bar Chart
Clustered bar, stacked bar, and 3-D bar.
Area Chart
Stacked area, 100% stacked area, and 3-D area.
X Y (Scatter) Chart
Markers and scatter with smooth lines and straight lines.
Bubble Chart
Bubble with 3-D effect.
Map Chart
Stock Chart
High low close, open high low close, volume high low close, and volume open high low close.
Surface Chart
3-D surface, wireframe 3-D surface, contour, and wireframe contour.
Radar Chart
Radar with markers and filled radar.
Treemap Chart
Sunburst Chart
Histogram Chart
Pareto chart
Box & Whisker Chart
Waterfall Chart
Funnel Chart
Combo Chart
Line and clustered column - line on secondary axis, stacked area clustered column, and custom combination.
Pivot Chart
Excel Charts

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Excel Tutorial Part 3 (Data)

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Excel Tutorial Part 4 (Find)

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Excel Tutorial Part 5 (Review)

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