How to Create a Table in Excel

This guide will show you how to create a table in Excel. The Table in Excel makes it easier to organize, analyze, and present the data. When you turn a range of data into a table, you get benefits like simple sorting and filtering, automatic formatting, and dynamic referencing. Whether you’re doing business analysis, research, or managing personal finances, Excel tables are a great tool for turning raw data into useful information.

What is Table in Excel?

An Excel table is a powerful tool for organizing the data. It has many useful features, such as:

  • Sorting and filtering data,
  • Adding new information easily,
  • Changing format or styles,
  • Summarizing data,
  • Quickly calculating data, and
  • Exporting data.

Steps: How to Create a Table in Excel?

Let’s understand how to create a table in Excel in step by step.

Step 1: Select Data

  • Select the entire data or click a cell within your data.
  • In the below example, you can select the entire data range from A1 to E7 or just click a cell within it (C5).
How to Create a Table in Excel Steb by Step Guide

Step 2: Access Insert Table or Format as Table

  • Go to Insert tab in the ribbon and click on Table button under Tables section.
How to Create a Table in Excel - Insert Table
  • OR, go to Home tab in the ribbon and click on Format as Table button under Styles. Then choose from the predefined styles (light, medium and dark) or create new table style.
How to Create a Table in Excel - Format as Table

Step 3: Update Cell Range

  • In the Create Table dialog box, it will automatically select the data range. If not, then you can manually select the range under “Where is the data for your table?” section.
  • If your data doest no have headers then you can untick the “My table has headers” button.
  • Thenk click OK to create a table in Excel.
How to Create a Table in Excel - Create Table - Where is the data for your table - My table has headers

Step 4: Click OK to Create Table

  • Once you have defined the table range, click OK to create a table in Excel.
How to Create a Table in Excel - Table Example

How to Create a Table in Excel using Shortcuts?

Below is the keyboard shortcut key to create a table in Excel:

Create Table
Ctrl + T or Ctrl + L
Ctrl + T or Cmd + T


Creating a table in Excel is easy and very useful. It helps you to organize, analyze, and display your data in a better way. When you turn a range of data into a table, you get tools like automatic filtering, sorting, and dynamic formatting. These tools help to manage your data in a simple and efficient manner.

Learn More

» How to Group in Excel?

» How to use What-If Analysis in Excel?

» How to Consolidate Data in Excel from Multiple Worksheets?

» How to Remove Duplicates in Excel?

» How to use Data Validation in Excel?

» How to use Advanced Filter in Excel?

» How to create a Relationship between Tables in Excel?

» How to create Relationship in Power Pivot?

» How to use Conditional Formatting in Excel?


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